
Abentura gustatzen zaizu?

Batu gure belaontzi historikoaren tripulazioarekin eta parte hartu esperientzia paregabe batean

Abentura gustatzen zaizu?

Batu gure belaontzi historikoaren tripulazioarekin eta parte hartu esperientzia paregabe batean

Parte hartu

ontziko jarduera guztietan, ikasi gauza berriak eta hobetu zure trebetasun bigunak

Ihes egin

errutina, aldendu telefonotik eta konektatu naturarekin 4 egunetan


leku ezberdinetako abenturazaleekin benetan lotzeko esperientzia

Bela-esperientzia, Nabigatzen ikastea, Abentura-bidaia paregabea, Abentura-bidaia, Bela-ontzia, Taldea, Bakarka, Bikoteena, Familia, Oporrak Oporrak Desintoxikazio digitala

Esperientzia berezia eta benetakoa, zergatik?

Itsasontzia guztiz sinestezina da

Abenturazale talde batek guztiz egurrez egina. Mundua inguratzeko eraikia. mendeko itsasontzietan inspiratuta. Atyla Euskal Herrian (Espainia) itsasoratu den azken ontzi historikoa da. Historia ikaragarria duen itsasontzi ikusgarria.

Ikasi Nabigatzen, Itsasontzi historikoa, Belaontzia, Bela-bidaia, Ontzi klasikoa, Eskola-ontzia, Atyla, Atylaship

Benetan zuk zeuk nabigatzen duzu ontzia

Tripulazio gisa ontziratzen zarela esaten dugunean, benetan horrela da. Lehenengo egunetik lema hartuko duzu, beste parte-hartzaileekin belak altxatuko dituzu, itsas-kartan ontziaren ibilbidea jarraituko duzu... Zure aurreko esperientzia gorabehera.

Parte hartu Bela Bidaia batean, Marinela Egun batez, Marinela Astebetez, Pirata Ontzia, Bela Heziketa Ontzia, Eskolako Eskolea, Ikasi Espainian Nabigatzen

Aukeratutako tripulazio bat gidatzeko

Atylan konfiantza, adiskidetasuna eta enpatia pizten dituzten abenturazale talde bat hautatzen dugu. Gainera, gure bidaietan parte hartzen duten pertsonak abenturazaleak, jakin-minak eta bizitza interesgarriak dituzte. Itsasontziaren bila etortzen zara, baina jendeagatik maite izango duzu. Itsasontziko tripulazioa, tripulazio profesionala, Atyla belaontzia, Conficence Warth, konfiantza sortu, ikasi, trebetasun bigunak

Bizitza osoan zurekin geratzen diren ikasketak

Gure programak garapen pertsonalaren arloko 4 tresna erabiltzen ditu, tripulazioaren parte gisa itsasontzi tradizional batean nabigatzen duen testuinguru paregabearekin konbinatuta. Horrek bestela ezinezkoak izango liratekeen ikaskuntza eta hausnarketa sakona sortzen du, eta ikuspegi eta ikuspegi berriak sortzen laguntzen du.

Taldeko irudia Garapen pertsonala, Metodologia, Ikaskuntza Esperientziala, Erosotasunetik Kanpo, Enkoadraketa, Coaching, Tresnak Metodoak, Programa, Taldean Ikastea

Naturarekin harremanetan

Ontzia gidatzeko bizkarrean gaude, euria egin arren. Haizeari erreparatzen diogu belak doitzeko. Itsasoak bizkarreko zipriztinak egiten ditu olatuak daudenean. Izurdeek gurekin igeri egiten dute. Eguraldi onarekin, uretara salto egin dezakegu igeri egiteko. Eta gauez izarrak ikus ditzakegu argi kutsadurarik gabe. Naturarekin harremanetan, izurdeekin igeri egitea, itsasoko ugaztunak, zetazeoak ikustea, ilunabarrak, egunsentiak, izarrak ikustea, euria, eguraldia, ozeanoen bela

Erronka benetakoa da

Esperientziak ere atal zailak ditu, eta ez ditugu ezkutatzen: lo egitea talde-kabinetan egiten da, itsasoa zakarra bada pixka bat mina izan dezakezu, erosotasuna mugatua da, garbiketan lagundu behar duzu... Hori guztia, esperientzia benetakoagoa eta sakonagoa egiten laguntzen duten erronkatzat hartzen ditugu.

Eguraldi euritsua, ekaitztsua, erronka, ondoeza, itsas mina, ikastea


Atyla belaontzia eta bere historia

Atyla 80ko hamarkadan eraikitako egurrezko goleta bat da lurra inguratu Magallanes-Elkano ibilbideari jarraituz. XVIII. mendeko belaontzien diseinuari jarraituz eraiki zen eta gaur egun historikotzat dago.

Gaur Atyla da mota horretako egurrezko itsasontzi bakarra abenturazko bela bidaiak egiten ditu nazioartean.

Bela-ontzi berezi honi buruz gehiago jakin nahi duzu?

Barrualde eguneratuak plano gelak kabinak instalazioak tankeak oheak oheak komunak komunak buruak sukaldea Atyla Ship Foundation

baino gehiago 2000 jendea ontziratu zen. baino gehiago 170 abentura bidaiak eginda.

2013az geroztik etengabeko hobekuntzak honako berrikuspen hauek ditu:

Alex ThalmannAlex Thalmann
11:10 14 Abenduak 23
One of my best experiences sailing so far. Atyla does not only provide a safe space for adventures but also attracts a unique group of people to share the experience with. Highly recommended 🙂
Kaisa OrgusaarKaisa Orgusaar
14:44 07 Abenduak 23
For me, it has been three years with Atyla and every year I must admit that Atyla has managed to create something special - the community that makes Atyla is extraordinary. Having sailed other ships I haven´t met any other with such an amazing attitude and a possibility for learning. You are doing a good thing!
12:26 05 Abenduak 23
I traveled on the Atyla for five days last summer. I have to say that, as an author that has been writing pirate stories for so many years, it was about time I had the full tall ship experience. My expectations were high and they delivered.I got to meet so many lovely people, the crew kindly answered all of my questions, and you can probably imagine I had a LOT of those.Basically, every experience I was hoping I would have the chance to live, I did. I got to sail during the day and at night, man the helm, learn about the rigging, go up the mast, learn knots, see dolphins, handle the sails, learn about navigation, safety in the sea, meet a bunch of super cool people, help keeping the ship clean and in optimal conditions, it was very intense and very cool. Granted, I got some bruises and got a little seasick too at first, but that's part of the whole experience I think, haha.Amazing experience, I'll certainly be joining the crew again soon. Recomended 100%.
rafael cuesta pastorrafael cuesta pastor
09:40 30 Azaroak 23
A fantastic experience, based on love of the sea, respect and without forgetting that it is a civil training ship, with an international crew, young, but with a spirit of learning and sharing, not suitable for those who, for paying, go on a cruise.
Olatz ObietaOlatz Obieta
21:18 29 Azaroak 23
Belaontzi handi batean bizitza ezagutzea nahiko esperientzia izan zen, eta tripulazioa zoragarria izan zen. Seguru itzuliko naiz.
Christof BrockhoffChristof Brockhoff
20:00 24 Azaroak 23
I have sailed on Atyla as an officer for an entire month. From all the boat's I have worked on, Atyla offers by far the most authentic traditional sailing experience. Even more so, Atylas crew guides participants to translate the profound treasures of the ocean into meaningful aspects of their lives on land. Join them to unlock the transformative power of the sea and integrate its lessons into your personal and professional growth journey.
Itxaso AhedoItxaso Ahedo
11:03 09 Azaroak 23
It is worth getting closer and I think it is very beautiful to see. I have not sailed on this boat but I intend to. I think it can be an interesting experience.
Teresa GbTeresa Gb
13:38 18 irailak 23
Spectacular schooner. We took a trip of several days and it was the best experience of my life. The people, the crew, the atmosphere, everything we learned...
12:25 25 Abuztuak 23
Michelle MartínezMichelle Martínez
20:49 19 Abuztuak 23
We went on a three-hour sailing tour around the ría of Muros. What a lovely ship and friendly crew! They were very hard working and yet also very attentive to any needs we may have had. One of the crew members even gave a passenger some ginger root to chew on because she was feeling a bit seasick. They were multilingual as well, which I felt was a big plus. We were very lucky with the weather because it was sunny and warm. Altogether it was a great trip. I would definitely repeat it in the future if possible. I wish them luck in the tall ship race in A Coruña!
11:23 15 Uztailak 23
Very beautiful boat, crew at the top, super nice this trip at sea in Boulogne sur Mer this July 14, 2023. Go there really you do not regret.
devegendehollander hergendevegendehollander hergen
14:51 30 Azaroak 22
We got a super nice tour though the ship and got really enthusiastic to learn more so we booked a three day sea sailing course. Then covid blocked our plans and then we got pregnant and now we have a baby and wait till she's big enough to go with us. Back on the bucket list!
Ethel RosenfeldtEthel Rosenfeldt
18:41 29 Azaroak 22
Sailing experience with Atyla was just life changing! Its not only the freedom of the sea, the awesome places visited and the gorgeous ship itself, but the people on it, running it and experiencing it. The soul of Atyla is its people and they are for life! And of course the most magical food, sail training, playful dolphins, glowing waters (bioluminescence), swimming in random places while anchoring and all the hard work with the loveliest people sums up as the best memories for life. If you are in doubt to choose, then this is your sign and it is time for yourAtyla adventure story to tell others!! LOVE LOVE LOVE for this ship and humans!
Frin WolterFrin Wolter
12:42 14 urriak 22
Worth every Penny. Not a cruise-ship but an experience for adventurers ! I enjoyed it very much.The crew members are great people, super friendly and helpful. They teach you how to manage everyday on the boat and are full of advice for life at sea. On Atyla, you are likely to have a once in a lifetime experience, that is challenging but also rewarding.You don't need prior experience to fit in, it can be your first time at sea. You will learn how to steer the boat, climb the masts, pull the ropes, make knots, fishing, deck scrubbing, and much more.
Kate C (Kat)Kate C (Kat)
15:03 13 Urtarrilak 22
Atyla is a beautiful ship managed by wonderful people. My 17 year old son went on his own from Canada, this past summer for a UK to Spain sail. Travelling during the pandemic was stressful but everyone was incredibly helpful and he had an amazing time. We hope you have another fantastic sailing year! ⛵️
Marcin PasekMarcin Pasek
14:47 10 Urtarrilak 22
Ontzi onena, tripulazio onena, lagunik onenak 😊
Veera UskiVeera Uski
21:24 31 Urtarrilak 19
Atyla urte osoan zehar egiten den itsasontzi eta proiektu harrigarria da. Neguan boluntarioak izaten dituzte ontzia konpontzeko eta udan adin guztietako jendeari belaontzi tradizionalean nabigatzen irakasten diete.